Sunday, December 21, 2008



Despite only an impression ink, you will find my dream.
Despite only an Impression ink, you can understand my intention.
now that I get happiness, i will write it.
I will paint a flower to embelish my heart.
In the event that I get sadness, i will write it.
I will draw shades of my mother to let me sleep...
Despite only an impression ink, show how I feel.
devoted love since I get happiness, goodness, and sadness.
Although I can't illustrate it, I will never stop.
so much to learn and so much to try.
that's all as the colour of my life.

SooN, I can say "Only an Impression Ink"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SECRETS OF LIFE - Art to Heart - Quilting Pattern - By Nancy Halvorsen

SECRETS OF LIFE - Art to Heart - Quilting Pattern - By Nancy Halvorsen


By: Nancy Halvorsen of Art to Heart

Life can get so hectic and complicated but the secrets to a happy life are simple with this fun and fast quilt pattern. It uses fusible applique and easy piecing. Finished quilt will be a 29" square.

The Secrets of Life:
- Say Thank you
- Sing in the Shower
- Say your Prayers
- Nod Hello to Strangers
- Keep your Promises

The pattern is BRAND NEW and has never been used!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tujuan Hidup

Ku bersimpuh rapi di atas tirai kelabu,,
Saat ku tengok..Fajar yang mulai menyambut..
Penggugah jiwa yang mati
KAN...saat itu Menjadi awal Harapanku,,,
kendati harapan tuk tujuan Hidupku..
Tujuan menjadi penghambaan-Nya..
dalam segala Maha karya-Nya
Ingatkah Maha Karya apa saja??
Maha Esa, Maha Kuasa, Dan Maha Mengetahui..
Jalan Hidupku..
Demi Penghambaan kepada-Nya,,,
Tak usah lalai mengingat-Nya..
Selalu menyandarkan kepada Syari'at-Nya..
Demi menggapai Tujuan Hidupku..
Ya,,Tujuan hidupku,,juga Tujuan Hidupmu...

Monday, November 10, 2008


Semangat yang membara
Tak kan pernah lepas dari seseorang yang Optimis...
Menjadikan setiap kejadian dan Peristiwa yang menimpa dirinya sebuah hikmah,,,
dalam mengarungi masa depannya,,,
Ketulusan dalam dirinya tak kan pernah sengah-setengah,,,and ia akan disayang, dikenang dan disukai setiap orang....Karena ia selalu menghargai dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk Orang lain...

L : labour ( orang yang berhasil a/ pekerja keras )
U : Understanding (ia mengerti or memahami arti hidup ini)
C : Character ( Mempunyai karacter yang mulia)
K : Knowledge (mempunyai pengetahuan )
Y : You (semua itu tergantung "kamu" mau berusaha atau tidak )

Monday, September 22, 2008

a nice experience

hi..guys, I want to ask for you,,
Do you still need SPIRIT?..of course, you must always need it, because if you don't have will be lazy boy or lazy girl..or pity you. if everyone call you with that name.
so..friends. Now i'll tell you about my experience.
this experience I got, when I was join with JS-EC, do you know JS-EC? right. It is one club of students in my campus STAIN JUrai siwo metro,,yapz... if you want to meet us you may visit in my campus..we will say "WELCOME"of course to learn and discuss toghether,,yes at the time I met a native Speaker from American,,his name is Steave knight. I like him, because he gives Us knowledge about english,to all members of JS-EC. But he live in Bandar lampung, so we can't meet him everyday..
To be continued..Coz this day udah sore.he....SeE you next time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be Light in the darkness


setiap detik kehidupan ini, aq harus mengalami perubahan yang lebih baik...yah... Beter than before,,,aq harus selalu berusaha menjadi orang yg konsisten, tetapi tetap berambisi...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

salam hangat

Hai...or hello...semuanya, are reading about me.
do you know friends..I am looking for a friend, who can gives me goodness, and happiness for me.
yes...he or she will called by me "TRUE FRIEND"
Sometimes..I feel alone,and I feel lonely. but i am aware that this life is fact i have some problems in my activities...and sometimes i feel,,,i want to cry without know what's happen with me..

Friday, June 20, 2008


From me : this is my spirit Word..DON'T GIVE UP
~ When everything walks wrongly...because sometimes we are weak energy...
When everything is no atention from the others...
and you want to SMILE....*_* You must Do it...
And if you get failure,,,DON'T GIVE must try again and..but DON'T STOP.
~ SO..friend,,we must have SPIRIT in our life. because, As we know that Allah SWT don't like everybody is who weak...
I relaize that my life is long, but my life is short too..